Supercharging Return on
Investment with Rapid
Applicaon Development Tools
Total Cost of Ownership White Paper
White Paper
Supercharging Return on Investment with Rapid Application Development Tools
Executive Summary
Today’s businesses are facing many nancial challenges, especially when it comes to developing IT
applicaons. New technologies have arrived on the scene that reduce those nancial burdens, while
speeding the applicaon development process. This white paper examines the FileMaker Plaorm,
which employs the Rapid Applicaon Development process, and how it oers certain advantages
over tools such as Oracle, Microso SQL Server, MySQL, and that use more tradional
applicaon development methodologies.
The problems with the tradional applicaon development process:
Businesses have idened applicaon development projects as an area where signicant cost savings
can be realized, especially since cost overruns and delayed deliveries have become common problems.
The cause of those problems can be aributed to miscalculang training needs, prototyping costs, and
quality assurance costs, which are all related to the development of the applicaon. Further impacng
costs is the tendency of development projects to shi design goals or encounter new feature requests.
Those problems are further exacerbated by the rigid specicaon and development cycle associated
with tradional applicaon development tools.
Problems encountered during applicaon development negavely impact important business
performance metrics, such as Return on Investment (ROI) and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), both
of which are used to gauge a projects success. The soluon to those problems lies with the ability to
expedite the development cycle, reduce overhead, and quickly accommodate project modicaons,
which will enable developers to more eciently create, modify, and deliver new applicaons.
Solving problems with Rapid Applicaon Development (RAD) technologies:
Businesses today need agile IT soluons, which can react to market driven changes. Rapid Applicaon
Development (RAD) Tools, such as FileMaker Pro, have become the best way for businesses to
incorporate agility into their applicaon development projects. RAD tools deliver the ability to speed
development, reducing training needs, accelerate prototyping, and enable rapid project changes. Those
advantages combine to increase the ROI potenal, while reducing overall TCO. Whats more, RAD tools
help to lower ongoing operaonal costs by easing developmental changes throughout the life of the
The Hidden Costs of Traditional Development Tools
Over the years, the tools used for applicaon development have become fragmented, meaning that
developers usually have to purchase suites of products, such as Microso Visual Studio 2008 and
Oracle Developer Suite 10g, which incorporate a multude of tools, ranging from code eding tools to
compilers to database connecon brokers. In most cases, those suites are incomplete at best and require
addional third party products, such as plug-ins, debuggers, database connectors, compilers, and a slew
of other “added expense” items, which tends to be true with development products such as Salesforce.
com Enterprise Edion. Even open source soluons, such as MySQL, do not escape the need for add-ons,
in many cases, deploying MySQL requires the purchase of commercial tools with signicant costs.
While increased product selecon and mulple opons may even result in new development
opportunies, IT departments are usually saddled with addional training requirements, licensing costs,
and integraon chores. Those costs oen increase exponenally and must be jused to prove the ROI
of a project. But, those addional expenses and increasing costs are only a small part of the problem.
The development tools selected for a project also signicantly impact the development process. The
tradional applicaon development method, oen referred to as stagewise or waterfall models, is
Supercharging Return on Investment with Rapid Application Development Tools
based upon a structured step-by-step approach for developing applicaons. While sound in theory,
the stagewise or waterfall approach leads to a rigid sequence of steps, which is anything but strategic.
Each procedural step consumes me and resources by forcing applicaon developers to “sign-o
aer compleon. That results in procedures that freeze development unl each specicaon is coded,
tested, and implemented, before proceeding to the next step. In most cases, there is a long delay before
applicaons are completed and the development process can take so long that the fundamental needs
of the business could change before the new applicaon is implemented. While this is appropriate for
certain transaconal or nancial systems there might be a more appropriate approach for departmental
Simply put, tradional tools and methodologies will signicantly increase realized TCO and will reduce
demonstrable ROI. It all comes down to the ineciencies of the tools, the methods and the overall
management of the process negavely impacng the boom line.
Rapid Application Development Paves a Better Path to Enhancing TCO
and Delivering ROI
RAD brings new tools and processes that change the fundamentals of building applicaons. RAD tools,
such as FileMaker Pro, replace the tedious hand-design and coding processes with automated design
and coding. That automaon delivers a multude of benets ranging from expeding applicaon
development to improving the agility of change management. Automaon speeds both development
and delivery by eliminang waterfall methodologies that isolate developers from subject maer experts.
FileMaker Pro naturally embraces a spiral approach that emphasizes iteraon and involves end users
during development to ensure success at delivery. Spiral development allows a project to be broken up
into smaller pieces, which can be developed concurrently and prototyped in manageable pieces. Each
part of the soluon can then be tested independently and then wrapped together to complete the
project. The spiral development methodology goes hand in hand with RAD to reduce the me needed to
develop applicaons, while increasing exibility.
The FileMaker Platform
The FileMaker Plaorm is a suite of tools used to easily build exible database soluons for rapid
deployment on Windows and Mac, and to extend them to the web. The product line consists of
FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Pro Advanced, FileMaker Server, and FileMaker Server Advanced. FileMaker
Pro is an encapsulated development and deployment plaorm – no addional tools are needed to
build and deploy applicaons. However many developers opt to use FileMaker Pro Advanced in order
to take advantage of the added customizaon and development tools included in the soware. If a
FileMaker applicaon needs to be securely shared, FileMaker Server is added to manage the databases.
Or FileMaker Server Advanced can be used to host even larger groups of databases, provide ODBC/JDBC
connecvity and share databases over the web with more users than FileMaker Pro alone.
The FileMaker Plaorm is ideal for:
Soluons that are currently based on spreadsheets or paper•
Retrieving and exchanging data with enterprise systems•
Data tracking, report generaon, and analysis •
Workow soluons for the department or workgroup•
The FileMaker Plaorm is designed to help the non-programmer (subject maer expert) become more
producve in collecng, processing, and analyzing informaon. The award-winning FileMaker Pro
provides the tools to build a customized user interface with a relaonal database and business logic in a
Supercharging Return on Investment with Rapid Application Development Tools
single unied Windows and Mac applicaon. Incorporang these three elements into one product has
proven to be very eecve and places a lighter cognive load on the knowledge worker or other users.
Tradional vs. FileMaker Architecture
Tradional Architecture FileMaker Architecture
User interface HTML, JSP, ASP, or VB Object oriented user interfaceFileMaker Pro
Business/Applicaon LogicC++, .NET, C##,
Point and click Business/
Applicaon LogicFileMaker Pro
DataOracle, MySQL, or DB2
DataFileMaker Pro or connect to Oracle,
Microso SQL Server or MySQL
FileMakers integrated architecture means developers can quickly modify the user interface,
business logic, and schema.
FileMaker Pro signicantly improves ROI and reduces TCO by oering:
Faster Development Cycles:- A Rapid Applicaon Development environment speeds
development by eliminang coding, compiling and other me consuming tasks. A quick start
screen, built-in templates and other tools allow the creaon of applicaons, even by novice
Codeless Applicaon Creaon:- An Integrated Design Environment eliminates manual coding
tasks and automacally creates scripts and other code elements for programmers. Help screens,
examples, and demonstraons are integrated into the product to show how to accomplish tasks.
Integrated Design Environment:- Simplies design and maintenance by providing graphical
tools, help, and ulies in a single interface. Developers do not need to launch (or purchase)
addional tools to complete a project, while integrated help provides troubleshoong advice
and ps to create applicaons or test prototypes.
Reduced Training Requirements: - Wizards coupled with graphical design elements makes geng
started quick and easy, allowing new users to skip tradional training. A logical development
process helps new developers quickly learn how to use FileMaker Pro and its associated tools,
while built-in example applicaons highlight funconality and provide starng points for
developing new applicaons.
Integrated Database:- A proprietary database can be used for prototyping or as a replacement
for an expensive SQL-based system. FileMaker Pro supports up to a million records, fast indexes
and includes tools that allow developers to examine data directly to build relaonships and
validate funconality.
Mulple External Database Connectors: - Access data from mulple sources and plaorms,
without needing expensive add-on tools or opons. FileMaker Pro can connect to industry
leading databases from Oracle, IBM, Microso, and many others. FileMaker Pro can develop
applicaons that leverage those exisng databases or work as an applicaon that can link
mulple disparate databases together to create unique cross-plaorm soluons.
Cross-Plaorm Support:- Develop for Windows or Mac OS systems with a single product.
Supercharging Return on Investment with Rapid Application Development Tools
Simplied Administraon:- FileMaker Pro includes wizards and concise tools to simplify database
maintenance chores, eliminang the manual tasks that are oen associated with maintaining
large databases, such as Oracle 10g. FileMaker Server provides remote database administraon,
the ability to schedule live backups, and scripts to automate administrave tasks.
Integrated Maintenance Tools:- Maintain, modify, and manage databases without having to
purchase addional tools, products, or add-ons.
Integrated Support for Web-Based Applicaons: - Deploy applicaons to the web, quickly and
simply with bundled tools and web server opons. FileMaker Pro supports publishing databases
to the web for as many as ve concurrent users, while FileMaker Server Advanced increases
concurrent web user counts to 100 users. PHP is supported in both FileMaker Server and
FileMaker Server Advanced.
Organizaons adopng FileMaker Pro and spiral development methodologies will realize several
benets, some of which reach beyond tradional ROI and TCO calculaons. As an applicaon
development tool, FileMaker Pro allows organizaons to move to a class of developers that are focused
on the business process and the dataset. Those developers are no longer saddled with the me
consuming intricacies of hand coding applicaons and can focus instead on building applicaons that
meet the needs of the business, instead of applicaons that are limited by the coding methodologies in
use. Whats more, elemental design changes are much easier with FileMaker Pro, thanks to a codeless
development environment that leverages graphical design tools, allowing developers to quickly “paint
applicaon screens and then populate those screens with the necessary elements to automacally build
the business logic and code needed by the process. As a RAD tool, FileMaker Pro oers an Integrated
Design Environment (IDE). In the case of FileMaker Pro, the IDE provides tools that enable developers to
visually design the forms, menus, reports, tables, and so on, for applicaons using point-and-click and
drag-and-drop techniques. Those tools allow developers to see design results as they progress.
Rapid development and ease of use are only two elements of the FileMaker Pro advantage. Adopters will
also nd that FileMaker Pro uses a data-driven approach to development – where database management
and RAD are treated as a single element, instead of as two separate management ers. This allows
developers to easily incorporate granular security elements at the eld level, automate indexes, create
codeless sorts, or embed scripts. That unied approach also helps to simplify administraon, while
reducing the technical knowledge required to develop an applicaon.
Competitive Analysis: 3-Year TCO Study
There are several development tools on the market today – ranging from adhoc RAD soluons that
combine third-party IDEs with coding tools to all-in-one database soluons that incorporate RAD
like capabilies. While all have their benets, most are encumbered with shortcomings that become
apparent the further a development project progresses. Those shortcomings are a result of the limited
integraon between the various components used in the development environment. FileMaker Pro
overcomes those limitaons with a design that combines the three primary elements of a data-driven
soluon (database architecture, business logic, and user interface) into a single, inexpensive product.
Those features help most organizaons to meet a variety of development needs and do not require
addional add-on purchases. The fully integrated nature of those features directly improves TCO by
speeding developmental changes or by allowing the incorporaon of addional applicaon capabilies,
without requiring revisions to code or re-engineering the database and core applicaon.
Supercharging Return on Investment with Rapid Application Development Tools
Comparing the FileMaker Plaorm with products from Microso, Oracle, Salesforce and the open source
community reveals the long-term economic benets of the FileMaker Plaorm.
(Please see addendum for methodology)
First and foremost, the FileMaker Plaorm (referred to as the FileMaker Development Soluon in the
table below) proves to have a much lower inial licensing and tool set costs when compared to compeng
products – especially when a development soluon is scaled to handle a larger number of clients. and bundle the development environment costs into their licensing fees:
Database License Acquisition Costs 25 clients 50 clients 200 clients 1000 clients
FileMaker Development Solution $7,574 $13,049 $44,799 $157,995
MS SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition $13,969 $18,019 $42,319 $211,595
Oracle Database Standard Edition 11g $17,500 $17,500 $35,000 $175,000
MySQL $0 $0 $0 $0 Enterprise Edition $112,500 $218,750 $900,000 $4,500,000 Enterprise Edition $15,000 $30,000 $120,000 $600,000
Development Environment (5 copies) 25 clients 50 clients 200 clients 1000 clients
FileMaker Pro Advanced $2,195 $2,195 $2,195 $2,195
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2008 $3,995 $3,995 $3,995 $3,995
Oracle Development Suite 10g $29,000 $29,000 $29,000 $29,000
MySQL (using IBM WebSphere Studio) $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 Enterprise Edition $0 $0 $0 $0 Enterprise Edition $0 $0 $0 $0
With the FileMaker Development Soluon, the cost of applicaon development drops signicantly,
thanks to the integrated tool set, codeless development capabilies, and rapid applicaon development
methodology. An enterprise can expect to reduce development costs by at least 60% when compared to Enterprise Edion and as much as 80% when compared to Microso Visual Studio .NET
Development Cost 25 clients 50 clients 200 clients 1000 clients
FileMaker Development Solution $78,750 $78,750 $78,750 $78,750
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2008 $405,000 $405,000 $405,000 $405,000
Oracle Development Suite (Java) $296,100 $296,100 $296,100 $296,100
MySQL (Java) $336,600 $336,600 $336,600 $336,600 Enterprise Edition $202,000 $202,000 $202,000 $202,000 Enterprise Edition $202,000 $202,000 $202,000 $202,000
The FileMaker Development Soluon also oers signicant savings when it comes to deployment of the
applicaon. The compeve advantage oered by FileMaker is fueled by wizard-driven deployment tools,
as well as the availability of web-based applicaon access. FileMaker Pro can concurrently develop both
web accessible applicaons as well as mul-plaorm (Windows and Mac OS) applicaons, using a wizard-
driven approach. This allows developers to create soluons based upon end user needs and not plaorm
centric requirements, quickly and eciently. The FileMaker Development Soluon shows an incredible
savings of 94% when compared to Oracle and signicantly less expensive when compared to the hosted
soluons oered by and
Supercharging Return on Investment with Rapid Application Development Tools
Deployment Cost 25 clients 50 clients 200 clients 1000 clients
FileMaker Development Solution $1,575 $1,575 $1,575 $1,575
MS SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition $20,250 $20,250 $20,250 $20,250
Oracle Database Standard Edition 11g $23,688 $23,688 $23,688 $23,688
MySQL $16,830 $16,830 $16,830 $16,830 Enterprise Edition $20,200 $20,200 $20,200 $20,200 Enterprise Edition $20,200 $20,200 $20,200 $20,200
When it comes to TCO, several other factors must be considered, ranging from personnel/stang costs
to training costs. The FileMaker Development Soluon oers signicant savings in all of those areas.
Savings can be realized because the FileMaker Development Soluon proves much easier to execute than
compeng products, saving personnel costs. The training requirements are also greatly reduced with
FileMaker Pro thanks to wizards, integrated help and codeless applicaon design. Those costs savings relate
directly to departmental stang budgets and prove to be a compelling economic argument for adopng
DBA Cost 25 clients 50 clients 200 clients 1000 clients
FileMaker Development Solution $7,200 $7,200 $7,200 $14,400
MS SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition $15,480 $15,480 $15,480 $30,960
Oracle Database Standard Edition 11g $22,500 $22,500 $22,500 $45,000
MySQL $16,560 $16,560 $16,560 $33,120 Enterprise Edition $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $18,000 Enterprise Edition $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $18,000
Development Toolset Training (3 devs) 25 clients 50 clients 200 clients 1000 clients
FileMaker Development Solution $5,235 $5,235 $5,235 $5,235
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2008 $78,600 $78,600 $78,600 $78,600
Oracle Development Suite 10g $39,500 $39,500 $39,500 $39,500
MySQL (using IBM WebSphere Studio) $25,700 $25,700 $25,700 $25,700 Enterprise Edition $27,200 $27,200 $27,200 $27,200 Enterprise Edition $27,200 $27,200 $27,200 $27,200
With any large-scale applicaon development and deployment project, ongoing maintenance, support,
and upgrade costs are to be expected. Those costs, usually calculated over a 3-year period, prove to be
an important element for calculang the TCO. The straighorward approach to upgrades, scalability, and
automated maintenance in the FileMaker Development Soluon proves to oer signicant savings in those
areas, helping to further reduce the TCO, while increasing the ROI. Both and
include some of those costs in their licensing fees, while MySQL, as an open source product, has no costs
for the actual code used for a plaorm upgrade:
Two Application Upgrades (dev time) 25 clients 50 clients 200 clients 1000 clients
FileMaker Development Solution $15,750 $15,750 $15,750 $15,750
Microsoft VisualStudio .NET 2008 $81,000 $81,000 $81,000 $81,000
Oracle Development Suite (Java) $59,220 $59,220 $59,220 $59,220
MySQL (Java) $67,320 $67,320 $67,320 $67,320 Enterprise Edition $40,400 $40,400 $40,400 $40,400 Enterprise Edition $40,400 $40,400 $40,400 $40,400
Supercharging Return on Investment with Rapid Application Development Tools
Two platform upgrades over 3 years 25 clients 50 clients 200 clients 1000 clients
FileMaker Development Solution $4,482 $5,857 $17,707 $59,175
MS SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition $6,304 $7,754 $27,828 $139,140
Oracle Database Standard Edition 11g $11,550 $11,550 $23,100 $115,500
MySQL $0 $0 $0 $0 Enterprise Edition $0 $0 $0 $0 Enterprise Edition $0 $0 $0 $0
Support/Maintenance 25 clients 50 clients 200 clients 1000 clients
FileMaker Development Solution $2,157 $2,157 $2,157 $2,157
MS SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition $5,156 $5,156 $5,156 $5,156
Oracle Database Standard Edition 11g $0 $0 $0 $0
MySQL $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $20,000 Enterprise Edition $0 $0 $0 $0 Enterprise Edition $0 $0 $0 $0
By combining acquision costs, development costs, maintenance costs, and support/maintenance
costs with ancillary costs, it becomes evident where FileMaker Pro ts in the TCO picture. In a best case
scenario, the FileMaker Development Soluon deployed for 1,000 users can save an organizaon $4.4
million over a 3-year period, when compared to a hosted soluon such as Enterprise Edion:
Total cost of development
platform ownership
25 clients 50 clients 200 clients 1000 clients
FileMaker Development Solution $124,918 $131,768 $175,368 $337,232
MS SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition $636,774 $642,274 $686,648 $989,736
Oracle Database Standard Edition 11g $499,058 $499,058 $528,108 $783,008
MySQL $479,010 $479,010 $479,010 $511,570 Enterprise Edition $411,300 $517,550 $1,198,800 $4,807,800 Enterprise Edition $313,800 $328,800 $418,800 $907,800
Although research indicates that signicant savings can be realized on new deployments, there are
situaons where those savings do not represent real world TCO. For example, if an organizaon has
a large investment in an Oracle Database soluon, it may not make sense to migrate over to a new
FileMaker-based soluon. The cost of replacing the old system may exceed the benets oered by the
new soluon. But, that may not preclude FileMaker from that organizaon. Since FileMaker Pro can
connect with other database technologies, organizaons that rely on other databases may sll be able
to use FileMaker to extend capabilies. Examples include using FileMaker for web deployments, report
generaon, simple database maintenance funcons, and so on. In other words, FileMaker Pro becomes
a supporng tool for the other technologies in use and sll improves TCO, while increasing the ROI of
future development projects.
ROI Case Study with Best Practices
Oncology Services Internaonal (OSI) is a medical equipment vendor based in Montebello, NY that
specializes in the sale and maintenance of refurbished medical linear accelerators and simulators used
for cancer treatment. OSI is the largest independent provider of refurbished oncology equipment and
maintenance services. The OSI business model is founded upon the tenants of maximizing ROI and
lowering TCO for its customers by providing clinics with equipment to care for cancer paents at a
signicantly lower cost than purchasing new devices. OSI has applied the same concepts behind ROI and
TCO internally to fuel growth of 10 percent per year. Achieving that growth rate meant paying careful
aenon to the technologies used to develop sales capabilies. That led OSI to deploy a comprehensive
FileMaker Pro soluon – created by FileMaker developer CAB inc.
Supercharging Return on Investment with Rapid Application Development Tools
Soluon Specics:
FileMaker soware-
New Millennium Genesis Accounng system-
WorldSync SyncDek-
Realized Benets Impacng ROI:
Ability to handle double the sales volume with no addion to administrave sta expense-
Provided nancial integrity and easy data access that facilitated the purchase of OSI by private -
equity group
Reduced customer receivables in the over 90 aging category which resulted in a substanal -
reducon in short term interest expenses incurred to fund daily operaons
Improvement of cash ow by reducing the billing cycle from 30 days to 1 day for eld service -
work and 1 week to 1 minute for contract billing.
Provide support for real me management reporng and eld service operaons where none -
previously existed.
Business Challenge:
To deploy an enterprise-level soluon to replace SMB accounng product, enhance CRM and integrate
exisng FileMaker Pro database soware used to generate service reports, control inventory, track
contacts, and manage customer relaonships. The new soluon needed to oer specialized accounng
funcons and nancial reporng that most standard accounng packages do not accommodate.
Due Diligence and Selecon Process:
An RFP was created to entertain bids from professional SQL and Oracle development rms. Several bids
were received, with the lowest quote coming in at $250,000, without customizaons and hardware.
That quote far exceeded the applicable budget and forced OSI to re-evaluate the SQL and Oracle
requirements and idenfy alternaves.
OSI was able to nd the New Millennium Genesis Accounng system, based on FileMaker Pro, and was
able to locate a development rm to modify the soware that was well versed in accounng soluons.
CAB inc. was able to build a soluon based on both FileMaker Pro and Genesis using spiral development
techniques that leveraged the RAD enabled IDE in FileMaker Pro.
Using incremental development techniques, CAB was able to help OSI automate the right processes at
the right me and eliminate “do over” program development costs. That kept costs low and maximized
the ROI potenal of the project. The development process focused on automang core business
funcons supporng the money-making components of the OSI business model rst. CAB and OSI then
implemented WorldSync’s SyncDek for service reports capture and parts le management.
Customer Benets:
For OSI, the soluon based on FileMaker soware has brought real meaning to the term return on
investment. By taking advantage of the eciencies of FileMaker Pro, the company has grown to 50 eld
service engineers without adding a single incremental administrave person.
TCO was lowered signicantly, when compared with compeng soluons. The FileMaker and Genesis
soluon, over ve years, has cost 28 percent less. Further enhancing the ROI is the fact that the total
sum included everything – soware, hardware, and custom development. Moreover, OSI has achieved
addional cost reducons. Savings were realized by cung nancing costs by reducing the billing cycle
from 30 days to less than 1, and also by reducing external audit fees.
Supercharging Return on Investment with Rapid Application Development Tools
Addendum: FileMaker Total Cost of Ownership Methodology
This study esmates the Total Cost of Ownership of a medium- to high-complexity database-backed
applicaon over a three-year period. Such an applicaon would have in the range of 20-40 database
tables. It would also have signicant implementaon of unique business rules.
For deployment scenarios, the 25, 50 and 200-client models assume a single database server. The
1,000-client scenario assumes ve database servers supporng an average of 200 users apiece.
Hardware pricing was not factored into the model, as it is not a major dierenator among plaorms.
In all cases (with the excepon of Salesforce) the systems were expected to be running on modern
machines. For the 25- and 50-client scenarios a one-processor machine is used, one two-processor
machine is used for the 200-client scenario, and ve two-processor machines are used for the
1,000-client scenario. The number of processors is relevant to those cases where the pricing is assessed
per processor.
Database license acquision costs: Both Microso SQL Server and Oracle Database oer both per-seat
and per-processor licensing. In both cases the per-processor licensing was more advantageous, so that
pricing was used here. Pricing is based on one- or two-processor machines as outlined above.
With specic respect to, the plaorm here is evaluated as a true custom
applicaon development tool. It was assumed that the custom applicaon model would not need to
take full advantage of the bundled CRM capabilies of Accordingly pricing for two
edions of the CRM Enterprise Edion, was used in the study which includes fuller CRM
funconality, and the Enterprise Edion, which is less expensive and includes much more
modest CRM funconality. This allows comparison between scenarios needing the full CRM funcon,
and those that concentrate on a purely custom applicaon.
Development environment: Five licenses of each of the respecve development environments were
budgeted. Though the standard FileMaker Pro client can be used as a development environment for
many development tasks, most developers prefer the richer development feature set of FileMaker Pro
Development costs: A development sta of one senior developer or technical architect and two more
junior developers was used for this scenario. For the FileMaker soluon this team will spend about 1,250
hours on development in an inial 4-month period, followed by about 40 hrs./month for the remaining
32 months. Twice as many hours will be required for Salesforce development, and three mes as many
hours for Java or .NET development, based on third-party development experience of these other client
technologies. Note that, although many business rules can be implemented in using the
plaorm’s nave workows and approvals, the complex business rules oen exceed what those features
can deliver, necessitang database triggers and custom (Apex) coding.
Two applicaon upgrades: This category esmates development costs for the regular delivery of new
features into an applicaon. Each upgrade is assumed to consist of 5% changes and 5% new code. Thus
these codes represent a straight 20% of the original esmated development cost.
Deployment costs: Based on third-party developer experience of the relave complexity of deployment
in each of these plaorms, deployment costs were assessed as a percentage of original development
costs. The following percentages were assumed in the scenario: FileMaker Pro 1%, Microso SQL Server
and MySQL 5%, Oracle 8%, 10%. For, as stated above, the soluon is
assumed to be a complex applicaon with signicant use of Apex and VisualForce. Deploying such an
applicaon can be quite complex and me-consuming.
Supercharging Return on Investment with Rapid Application Development Tools
DBA Cost: A set number of hours per month for each plaorm, at market DBA rates, was used to
calculate this secon. For FileMaker and 5 hrs./month were used, while for the remaining
plaorms had 10 hrs./month allocated for pure DBA me.
Development Toolset Training: The cost of both training and cercaon in these respecve plaorms is
used for this secon. For FileMaker the cost of taking the FileMaker Training Series for three developers
(The FileMaker plaorm has a single cercaon level, FileMaker Cered Developer) was used. For the
Microso training costs one Enterprise Applicaon Developer and two ASP.NET developers were used
for the scenario. For the Java-based toolsets the cost was based on one Cered Java Developer and two
Cered Java Associates. For, it was assumed three people were taking the training required
for Advanced Developer Cercaon.
In addion to the cost of the course themselves, the costs of the me, in hours, that must be spent
to take the courses and achieve cercaon were added. The Microso cercaons are parcularly
expensive due to the large number of courses that must be taken: nearly a dozen courses and nearly 400
hours of training in the case of the Enterprise Applicaon Developer cercaon.
Plaorm Upgrades: Several vendors include plaorm upgrades in the base licensing cost, under various
names such as “soware assurance” or “soware support.” Where such support was available as a
bundled price, the support costs were split out and noted in this secon. Readers should be aware that
some licensing costs they may see in the marketplace, especially for Oracle and Microso, may include
the soware assurance fees.
Support: The plaorm upgrades category covers maintenance in the sense of ongoing soware
upgrades. This category refers specically to incident-based technical support. The oerings here vary
quite widely. For FileMaker, the cost of a single user contact for unlimited support was used. Microso’s
licensing comes with some minimal phone support, so the price for 20 addional paid support incidents
over three years was added. Oracle bundles technical support with its licensing fees, as does Salesforce.
com. For MySQL, the price for the MySQL Network support on a per-server basis was used.
TCO Table and Methodology
TCO data collected and prepared by Soliant Consulng. Soliant creates data applicaons that support
business process improvement in organizaons around the country. Soliant focuses on rapid applicaon
development tools, specializing in Adobe Flex™, FileMaker Pro, Web/PHP and
About the Author
Frank J. Ohlhorst is an award winning technology journalist, professional speaker and IT business
consultant with over 25 years of experience in the technology arena. Ohlhorst has wrien for several
leading technology publicaons, including ComputerWorld, TechTarget, PCWorld, ExtremeTech, eWeek,
CRN and Toms Hardware. Ohlhorst has also contributed to business publicaons, including Entrepreneur
and BNET, contributed to mulple technology books and has wrien several white papers, case studies,
reviewers guides, and channel guides for leading technology vendors.
Supercharging Return on Investment with Rapid Application Development Tools
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